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May 12 – Evening


Pray without ceasing.

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)


Dear God,

You have commanded us to pray without ceasing, to continually seek Your presence and guidance in every aspect of our lives. Help me to cultivate a spirit of persistent prayer, always turning to You in both joyful thanksgiving and fervent intercession. May my heart be inclined towards You at all times, drawing near to Your throne of grace with confidence, knowing that You are always ready to hear and answer my prayers.

Help me to be mindful of Your presence throughout my day, seeking Your wisdom and direction in every decision I make. Strengthen my faith and trust in Your perfect timing and sovereign will, knowing that Your plans for me are always good and purposeful. Continue to teach me to rely on You in all circumstances, and to find peace in the power of prayer as I walk through both trials and triumphs. In Jesus’ name, Amen.