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March 30 – Morning


The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.

(Psalm 25:14)


Dear God,

You are the one who guides and directs our paths, and I am grateful for the promise in this verse that You will show Your paths to those who fear You. I know that I am not always sure of the right way to go and that I often make mistakes, but I trust in Your faithfulness to lead me in the right direction. Please grant me wisdom and discernment to recognize Your guidance and the strength and courage to follow it.

You are the light in my darkness and my hope in times of uncertainty. As I seek Your will for my life, help me to stay close to You and to lean on Your understanding rather than my own. I surrender my plans and desires to You, knowing that Your ways are higher than mine. Thank You for Your love and Your constant presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.