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March 28 – Evening


You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me.

(John 5:39)


Dear God,

You have called me to search and study Your Word diligently, for in it lies the truth about Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me to approach the Scriptures with reverence and awe, seeking to understand and apply its teachings to my life. Grant me wisdom and discernment as I delve into Your Word, so that I may grow in my knowledge and love for You.

Guide me as I seek to live out the truths found in Your Word, helping me to reflect the character of Jesus Christ in all that I do. May my study of the Scriptures not just be an intellectual pursuit, but a spiritual journey that leads me closer to You. Thank You for the gift of Your Word, and for the ways it reveals Your love and grace to me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.