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October 31 – Noon


The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

(Jeremiah 31:3)


Dear God,

You have loved us with an everlasting love. Your love is constant and unwavering, despite our faults and shortcomings. Thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy that never run out. Help us to fully realize and accept the depth of Your love, and to let it transform our hearts and lives. May we always find our true worth and identity in Your unending love for us.

You have drawn us to Yourself with loving kindness. Help us to respond to Your love with gratitude and obedience. Let us learn to trust in Your plans and timing, knowing that You always have our best interests at heart. Help us to love others with the same love that You have shown us, and to be a reflection of Your unconditional love in this world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.