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November 6 – Morning


Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, LORD.

(Psalm 89:15)


Dear God,

You are a God of unfailing love and faithfulness, and I am grateful for the comfort and reassurance that brings to my heart. In a world filled with uncertainty and chaos, Your love and faithfulness are a constant source of hope and strength. Thank You for being a God who never wavers in Your love for me and for always being faithful to Your promises.

Help me to be more aware of Your love and faithfulness in my life, and help me to trust in You more fully. In times of doubt and fear, remind me of Your unwavering love and faithfulness, and help me to find peace and rest in You. I pray for a deeper understanding of Your love and faithfulness, and for the ability to reflect that love and faithfulness to those around me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.