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November 27 – Morning


The righteous will rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; all the upright in heart will glory in him.

(Psalm 64:10)


Dear God,

You are my refuge and my strength, and I find comfort in knowing that the righteous will rejoice in You and take refuge in You; that all the upright in heart will glory in You. As I face challenges and uncertainties in my life, I pray for the strength and wisdom to remain upright in heart and continue to seek refuge in You. Help me to hold fast to my faith and trust in Your goodness and sovereignty, knowing that You are always with me, guiding and protecting me through every trial.

I thank You for being my rock and my fortress, and for being the source of my hope and joy. I surrender my fears and worries to You, knowing that You are in control and that You have a plan for me. I pray for the grace to remain steadfast in my faith, and to always find my joy and peace in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.