You have commanded us in this verse to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, and drive out demons. I pray that You would give me the strength and courage to be a vessel for Your healing power. Let me be a source of comfort and hope for those who are suffering, and let me be a beacon of Your love and mercy in the world.
As I step out in faith to fulfill this command, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom. Help me to discern the needs of those around me and to respond with compassion and kindness. May Your Holy Spirit empower me to bring Your healing and wholeness to those who are hurting. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tu palabra nos enseña a sanar a los enfermos, a limpiar a los leprosos, a resucitar a los muertos, a expulsar demonios. Te pido que me des la sabiduría y la compasión necesarias para poder llevar a cabo estas obras de misericordia en mi vida diaria. Permíteme ser un instrumento de tu amor y tu poder para traer consuelo y sanación a aquellos que sufren a mi alrededor.
En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
Sanad enfermos, limpiad leprosos, resucitad muertos, echad fuera demonios; de gracia recibisteis, dad de gracia.