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June 19 – Noon


While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples.

(Matthew 9:10)


Dear God,

You came to this world not to call the righteous, but sinners. You came to seek and save the lost. I thank You for Your love and mercy that knows no bounds. Thank You for accepting me just as I am, despite my shortcomings and mistakes. Help me to always remember that You are always ready to welcome me with open arms, just as You did with the tax collectors and sinners in this verse. May I never forget Your unending grace and forgiveness.

Help me to be more like You in reaching out and showing love and compassion to those who are lost and in need of Your redemption. Guide me to be a light in this world and a reflection of Your unconditional love. Let Your love flow through me and touch the hearts of those around me. I surrender to Your will and pray for the strength to be Your hands and feet in this broken world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.