You are the sovereign ruler of all creation, and we come to You in times of trouble, just as Your Word tells us. We humbly ask for Your help and deliverance in the midst of our struggles and challenges. Your Word in this verse says, “Do not deliver the soul of Your dove to the wild beasts; do not forget the life of Your poor forever.” We ask that You would remember and deliver us from the trials that we face. Provide us with the strength, wisdom, and perseverance to overcome these difficulties, and help us to trust in Your perfect timing and plan for our lives.
We trust in Your faithfulness and Your promise to never leave nor forsake us. We ask for Your peace and presence to be with us as we navigate through the storms of life. Help us to keep our focus on You, knowing that You are in control and that You love us beyond measure. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tu conoces cada sufrimiento y angustia que mi corazón lleva. En momentos de desesperación, me aferro a tu promesa de no abandonarnos para siempre. Te ruego que tengas compasión de mí y que encuentre consuelo en tu amor inagotable. Ayúdame a confiar en tu plan y a mantener la esperanza en medio de las dificultades.
Dame la fuerza para enfrentar los desafíos que se presenten en mi camino y la sabiduría para entender tu voluntad. Te pido que me llenes de tu paz y que fortalezcas mi fe. Confío en que tu poder es infinito y que nunca me dejarás desamparado. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
No entregues al alimaña el alma de tu tórtola; no olvides para siempre la congregación de tus afligidos.