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February 18 – Evening


You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.

(Exodus 23:25)


Dear God,

You are the great healer and provider, and I am grateful for Your promise in this verse that You will bless my food and water and take sickness away from me. I come before You now, asking for Your continued provision and protection over my health. Please bless the food I eat and the water I drink, that they may nourish and strengthen my body. Take away any sickness or disease that may try to come upon me, and keep me in good health according to Your promise.

I trust in Your faithfulness and goodness, and I thank You for Your constant care and love. May I always remember to give thanks for the daily provision of food and water, knowing that it is all because of Your grace and mercy. I pray for Your continued blessing and favor in my life, and I thank You for the assurance of Your presence and provision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.