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August 6 – Evening


All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.

(Acts 1:14)


Dear God,

You are the source of all strength and wisdom. As we gather in prayer, we ask for Your guidance and understanding. Just as the early disciples gathered in unity to pray and seek Your will, we also come before You in unity, seeking Your blessings and direction. Help us to be unified in purpose and spirit, and to be obedient to Your will. Strengthen our faith and empower us to be Your witnesses in the world.

Grant us the grace to persevere in prayer and to remain steadfast in our faith. Help us to be patient in waiting for Your timing and to trust in Your plan for our lives. May we continue to seek Your presence and listen to Your voice, and may our hearts be filled with love and compassion for others. We lift up our prayers to You, knowing that You are listening and that You will guide us according to Your perfect will.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.