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August 26 – Evening


But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.

(Luke 22:32)


Dear God,

You are the loving and faithful shepherd who never leaves His flock. Just as Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith not to fail, I come before You today asking for the strength and courage to face the challenges and temptations that may come my way. Please help me to stand firm in my faith and trust in Your unfailing love and guidance.

I know that I am weak and vulnerable on my own, but with You by my side, I am filled with hope and confidence. Please strengthen my heart and grant me the grace to follow Your will, just as Peter did after he denied You. I trust in Your promises and I surrender my fears and doubts to You, knowing that You are always there to uphold and protect me. Thank You for the assurance of Your presence and for being my ever-present help in times of trouble.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.