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August 19 – Evening


When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

(John 19:30)


Dear God,

You have shown Your great love and mercy through the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross. As I reflect on the verse this verse, I am reminded that Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished,” acknowledging that he had completed the work of salvation for all of humanity. Thank You for the immense love and grace that You have poured out on us through this ultimate act of selflessness.

Please help me to fully understand and appreciate the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice for me. May I never take for granted the forgiveness and redemption that was made possible through his death and resurrection. I pray that I may live a life that honors and glorifies You, as a response to the incredible gift of grace that was given to me on the cross. Help me to live in the freedom and victory that Jesus secured for me through his finished work on the cross.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.