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April 9 – Evening


Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him.

(Matthew 20:34)


Dear God,

You are a compassionate and loving God who shows mercy and kindness to all of Your children. I come before You today, humbly asking for Your grace and guidance in my life. Help me to have a heart of compassion like Jesus, and to see others as he does.

I pray that You would open my eyes to the needs of those around me, and give me the strength and courage to reach out and show love and compassion to others, just as Jesus did. May I be a reflection of Your love and mercy in this world, and may I always seek to bring comfort and joy to those who are hurting or in need. Thank You for Your endless love and grace, and for the example of Jesus to follow. In Jesus’ name, Amen.