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March 1 – Noon


Those who ate were four thousand men, besides women and children.

(Matthew 15:38)


Dear God,

Just as you multiplied the loaves and fishes to feed the four thousand men, not counting women and children, we come before you, acknowledging our dependence on your abundant provision. Grant us the wisdom to recognize your blessings in our lives and the faith to trust in your unfailing care. May your grace overflow in our hearts and homes, filling every need and sustaining us through every trial. Let us never forget that you are the source of all good things, and in your hands, there is always enough to meet our needs.

As we reflect on the miracle of your provision, instill in us a spirit of gratitude and generosity. Help us to share with others the abundance you have graciously bestowed upon us, spreading your love and compassion to those in need. May our lives be a testament to your faithfulness and a reflection of your boundless grace. Guide us as we seek to live in obedience to your will, trusting in your promises and relying on your strength.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.