You are the source of all strength and power. I come before You in humility, recognizing my need for Your guidance and support. Just as this verse says, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” I pray that You would be the third strand in my life, binding me together with others in unity and strength. Help me to build strong and healthy relationships with those around me. Give me the wisdom to know when to lean on others for support and when to offer my support to them. May we work together in harmony, finding strength in our unity and mutual support.
I know that with You as the third strand in our relationships, we can withstand any challenge that comes our way. Thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness. I entrust my relationships to You, knowing that You will help us to grow closer to each other and to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tu palabra nos enseña en este versículo que un cordón de tres hilos no es fácilmente roto. Te pido que fortalezcas los lazos de amor, amistad y compañerismo en mi vida. Ayúdame a valorar y cuidar las relaciones significativas que me has dado, reconociendo que juntos somos más fuertes y podemos superar cualquier obstáculo. Permíteme ser un apoyo y un buen compañero para aquellos que me rodean, y que juntos podamos edificarnos mutuamente.
Señor, encomiendo a ti todas mis relaciones y pido tu gracia para que se fortalezcan y prosperen. Que tu amor siempre esté presente en cada una de ellas y que podamos enfrentar juntos las dificultades que se presenten. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
Y si alguno prevaleciere contra uno, dos le resistirán; y cordón de tres dobleces no se rompe pronto.