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August 12 – Evening


He said to them, ‘Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’

(Luke 20:25)


Dear God,

You are the ultimate authority and ruler over all things. I recognize that everything belongs to You, including my life and possessions. I acknowledge that I am a steward of the resources You have entrusted to me, and I pray for wisdom and discernment to use them in a way that honors and glorifies You. Help me to be mindful of Your sovereignty and to seek Your will in all that I do, that I may be a faithful and responsible steward of the blessings You have given me.

I pray that You would grant me the grace to live with open hands and a generous heart, freely giving to those in need and recognizing the needs of others above my own desires. May I be a reflection of Your love and generosity in this world, using the resources You have given me to serve and bless others. Thank You for the reminder that everything belongs to You, and help me to live in a way that reflects this truth.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.