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August 26 – Noon


“For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

(Matthew 22:14)


Dear God,

You have called me to be one of the chosen few, to be part of Your kingdom. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be part of Your family and to receive the love and grace that You freely offer to me. Help me to always remember that I am Your chosen one and to live my life in a way that reflects this honor. Guide me in my thoughts, words, and actions, so that I may always bring glory to Your name.

I pray that I may be faithful to Your call and never stray from the path that You have set out for me. Give me the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles that may come my way, and fill me with Your spirit so that I may be a shining light for others to see. Thank You for choosing me and for loving me unconditionally. In Jesus’ name, Amen.