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August 19 – Noon


For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

(Matthew 18:20)


Dear God,

You have promised that where two or three gather in Your name, You are in our midst. I come before You now, Lord, in the name of Jesus, knowing that You are with me. I am grateful for Your presence in my life and for the community of believers that surrounds me. Thank You for the strength and encouragement that comes from gathering with others in prayer and worship. Help me to always seek Your presence and to be mindful of Your promises, knowing that You are always near.

As I gather in Your name, Lord, I ask for Your guidance and wisdom. I pray for unity and peace among believers, and for a spirit of love and compassion to flow through our interactions with one another. Help us to be a light to the world, showing Your love and grace to those around us. I pray for the strength to stand firm in our faith and to live out Your commands with steadfastness and joy.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.