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July 6 – Noon


For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”

(Romans 1:17)


Dear God,

You are the source of all righteousness and truth. As it says in this verse, the righteousness we need to live by faith is a gift from You. I pray that You would continue to strengthen and guide me in my faith, so that I may live a life in alignment with Your will. Help me to trust in Your righteousness and not my own efforts, knowing that it is by faith that I am made right with You.

Lord, I ask that You would help me to be a shining example of Your righteousness to those around me. May my life be a reflection of Your grace and mercy, that others may see Your love through me. I pray for the courage and wisdom to rely on Your righteousness in all that I do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.