You have heard my plea and seen the wrongs done to me. You have taken notice of my cry for help. I trust in Your unfailing love and I know that You will not forsake me. Teach me to trust in Your timing and to rest in Your promises. Help me to find peace in the midst of my suffering and to hold onto the hope that You will deliver me from my troubles.
You are my refuge and my strength, and I know that You are always near. Help me to be patient and to wait for Your perfect timing. Strengthen my faith and give me the courage to face my difficulties with grace and trust in Your plan. I thank You for Your constant presence in my life and for the peace that only You can give. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tu oíste mi voz, no te escondas de mi alivio, cerca estuviste cuando clamé a ti. Has sido mi defensor, has visto mi aflicción, no te alejes de mí en este tiempo de necesidad. Te ruego, escucha mis ruegos, socórreme en tu misericordia.
En medio de las tinieblas, brilla tu luz y esperanza. No me abandones, Señor, derrama tu consuelo sobre mi corazón atribulado. Confío en tu bondad y poder para traer paz a mi alma atormentada. En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
A mi voz respondiste; no escondas tu oído en el tiempo de mi clamor.