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January 15 – Evening


Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

(Matthew 5:8)


Dear God,

You have promised that the pure in heart will see You. I pray that You would help me to cultivate a pure heart, free from selfishness, pride, and sin. Help me to seek after You with all my heart, and to live a life that is pleasing to You. May my thoughts, actions, and intentions be pure and centered on You. Help me to see You in everything and everyone around me, and to bring Your love and light into the world.

Please give me the strength and discipline to resist temptation and to turn away from anything that hinders my relationship with You. Help me to cleanse my heart and mind daily through prayer, submission, and obedience to Your will. Thank You for the promise that I will be blessed by seeing You. I trust in Your grace and mercy to transform and cleanse my heart, so that I may experience the joy and fulfillment of knowing You more deeply.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.