You have shown me Your unfailing love and salvation through Your abundant mercy and grace. I am grateful for Your faithfulness and kindness, even in my times of trouble and distress. Thank You for being my refuge and strength, always there to lift me up when I am feeling low. Help me to continually seek Your presence and praise Your name in all circumstances, knowing that You are with me through it all.
Tu amor y misericordia son infinitos, y te alabo con todo mi ser. Mi corazón se regocija en tu salvación, y mi alma te bendice continuamente. Me siento agradecido por tu bondad y por todas las bendiciones que has derramado sobre mí.
Te pido que me ayudes a mantenerme firme en la fe y a seguir confiando en tu amor incondicional en medio de las dificultades y pruebas que enfrento. Permíteme siempre recordar tu fidelidad y tu amor eterno, para que mi alabanza y gratitud hacia Ti aumenten cada día.
En el nombre de Jesús, Amén.
Your love and mercy are infinite, and I praise you with all my being. My heart rejoices in your salvation, and my soul continuously blesses you. I am grateful for your goodness and for all the blessings you have poured out on me. I ask that you help me to remain firm in faith and to continue trusting in your unconditional love in the midst of the difficulties and trials I face. Let me always remember your faithfulness and your eternal love, so that my praise and gratitude towards you increase each day. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Me alabaré en gran manera a Jehová con mi boca, Y en medio de muchos le alabaré.